site. Who is a Self-Hosted WordPress Blog for? One of the top reasons I recommend self-hosted WordPress as the absolute best free blogging site to use, is that it’s an all around great choice for a wide range of bloggers (and different blog budgets too). Whether you’re an absolute beginner learning what a blog is today—or running a six-figure website, WordPress gives you the best tools to make an incredible site capable of structuring a profitable blog business plan around it. Most importantly, a WordPress-powered blog can grow with you as you develop your style, branding and content over time. As explains, “Many end users of WordPress are non-technically minded. They don’t know what AJAX is, nor do they care about which version of PHP they are using..

The average WordPress user simply wants

 to be able to write without problems or interruption.” On th Canadian Mobile Phone Number Data e other hand, they go on to say that with the many themes, plugins and access to coding (if you want), those bloggers who are more technically minded also have the freedom to make their own websites however they want. Whether you’re brand new or a seasoned blogger, WordPress is more than likely your best choice of free blogging sites—hands down. General Information About Self-Hosted WordPress (also known as self-hosted WordPress) is an open-source content management system (CMS) created in 2003 with the goal of giving the world a truly free blogging platform. Open-source means software that’s offered freely and can be modified by others. CMS is a software or program that lets you create and manage your digital content. WordPress is completely free to use, but you will need to sign up for a paid monthly web hosting plan and purchase a domain name in order to use it (i.e. self-hosting). We’ll go into more detail about web.

hosting below, but it’s important to note

that it’s extremely affordable to run a self-hosted WordP BVB Directory ress blog—think $2 to $10/mo. What is WordPress Hosting? Hosting refers to a company that stores your website so it can be viewed on the internet. Without it, your blog isn’t actually live and readable to others. In order for your content to be stored and distributed properly, you need what’s called a server. A web server is connected to the Internet and it receives requests (people wanting to read your blog content) and responds by displaying the pages of your website. A home computer is not set up for properly hosting your own website (without some serious modifications and expenses). That’s why you need the best web hosting plan from a reliable company to make sure your blog is connected to the Internet. My personal recommendation for affordable & reliable web hosting is Bluehost. I’ve used them for years and am very happy with their services. Bluehost Hosting for Free Blogging Sites on WordPress Even if you choose their least expensive plan (around $2.95/mo).

By kh6kv

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