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How to guarantee security in remote connections?

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Eeleworking or remote work is increasingly common and business leaders are adapting to this consolidating paradigm, which leads us to dedicate time and attention to the security of remote connections . Talk to Our ManagServices Experts for Microsoft Azure In fact, there are many organizations that prefer not to use remote access on the corporate network, precisely to prevent their staff – when connecting from home and other locations outside the corporate headquarters – from generating securityHow to guarantee security  breaches. However, it is possible to migrate to this methodology responsibly and in this post we will show you several recommendations to guarantee secure connections in a remote work and desktop work environment . Secure remote access is the result of a combination of security solutions and processes designe to prevent the

Secure remote conn ections : why they have become very relevant

loss of sensitive data and unauthorize access to a company’s digital assets. Remote access solutions cover a wide range of methodologies and resources, such as endpoint protection, the use of VPN ( virtual private network ) and real-time multi-factor authentication . Before 2020, the number of remote work teams and collaborators had already Chile Phone Number List increase compare to previous years, but the COVID-19 pandemic accelerad the adoption of digital environments How to guarantee security  and the nee to access business networks from multiple locations, generating greater risks. for sensitive data and internal network privacy . Increasd risks If we consider that the majority of remote connections to corporate networks originate in employees’ homes, coworking places and even public places such as cafeterias, security.

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How to guarantee sec ure remote connections ?

risks have escalate substantially and with it the nee to safeguard interaction. and file and data transfer beyond simple strong passwords . For this reason, in many cases security measures and controls have become outdate and are not sufficient to meet the requirements that require Switzerland Phone Number List multiple remote connections . And that is why the concern and relevance of secure remote connections within budgets and planning of business directives has increasd. How to guarantee secure remote connections ? It is evident that remote work can be beneficial or necessary for an organization to carry out its operations. And we also already know that this carries some inherent security risks . Luckily, companies and employees can manage these risks using best practices to keep their data and systems safe, increasing the level of security .

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