Is there duplicate content on your site? Have you just redone the site and the Web Agency made a mess and you have a million 404 page not found errors that will make you fall to Google? Did you get a penalty from the engines? You can retrieve all this information by consulting your Google Serach Console panel (the old Webmaster Tool). This completely free tool provides a whole series of very important technical information for monitoring the correct functioning of a site . If you want to take a look at it and you don’t have technical skills I recommend you check this information: – Appearance in Search => HTML improvements: tells you if there are duplicate titles and descriptions on the site ( read this article if you don’t know what “title and description” are description” because they are very important for SEO and you cannot ignore them). If you find any you are WASTING visibility opportunities on Google. Find a way to solve the problem. 

Pingdom Website Speed ​​Test

Search Traffic  Manual Actions: tells you if your site has been for a manual anti-spam intervention by Google employees (yes, this also happens, even if you didn’t know it). To be Phone number data  OK this panel must tell you “No manual anti-spam interventions found.” Any other messages appear, raise the RED alarm and contact someone good to figure out what happened (and don’t ONLY contact whoever is managing your site. They could have caused the problem). Crawl errors: tells you how many “errors” your site has. In practice, it lists how many pages “no longer work” because typing the old address of the page generates a 404 error and you find yourself faced with a “page not found”. I won’t get technical and I’ll give you simple practical advice: it’s natural that there may be some errors. Let’s say that you can consider a number of errors equal to 5% of the number of pages on your site to be of no concern. If there are more, it is better to have the situation checked. If there are many, trigger the RED alarm in this case too. Please note: keep this parameter under close control when you are doing a website restyling .

Google PageSpeed ​​Insights

Among the important information it makes available to you, I focus on two particular aspects: – Complete display of the Title and Description of all the pages of your site. After scanning BVB Directory  your site, Xenu returns you the complete list of all the pages of your site and shows you the Title and Description for each one. It is a VERY important function because it immediately gives you a general overview of the pages you need to intervene on. – Broken links: you may have broken links on your site because for example a page linked to another page on your site (or even an external site) that no longer exists. Google doesn’t like broken links. With this tool you can locate them all quickly and conveniently and fix, replace or delete them.The last free tool I make available to you is PageSpeed ​​Insights from Google. Like the first two, it gives you a score of your site’s speed and makes suggestions on what to improve. You will understand little or nothing about it if you are not a technician, but as with the previous tools, don’t worry unless you see disasters. Note: Concluding the discussion on the speed of your site, I recommend you browse it. The main problem with a slow site is that users leave it to move on to another. Taking this test is the simplest thing in the world: just browse the site.

By kh6kv

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