Tips You Can Use This Year so we thought it would be best to end this guide with a group of people who put content marketing theory into practice every day. We ask experts from different markets to answer this questionBas on your experience. what do Create content that you think companies and marketers should be doing in the next year to roll out great content marketing Youll find that some of these tips naturally contradict each other—this is content The great thing about marketingYou can go the completely opposite route and still be successful because it all depends on what works for your audience. Here are some practitioners sharing their adviceAl Chen . at Privy Tom Cox . content marketer at Preply Joei Chan .

Solution Architecture Coda Repurpose your

Content Director of Learning Olivia Blazevic . Content Marketing Manager at Candlefox Aazar Ali Shad . Head of Growth at Userpilot Fio Dossetto . the author of the article you are reading now Alina Benny . Head of Content at Nextiva Tracey Wallace . Marketing Director at MarketerHire Hiba Amin . Marketing Manager at Phone Number List Soapbox Tim Soulo . Bregman . Principal Consultant. Manly Bands Fadeke Adegbuyi . Senior Content Marketing Manager at Doist Louis Grenier . founder of EveryoneHatesMarketers Len Markidan . Chief Marketing Officer of Podia Research and talk to your customers Before working on anything. conduct user research with existing customers/users or potential customers. When you start creating content.

Rememberpeople are lazy

You can use the actual words and phrases you us during your customer research. Of course. you can tweak them by doing some basic research on Ahrefs Keyword Explorer and make sure the keyword has a good volume. or find out what else you should include. Theres nothing like talking to Buy Leads your customers to see what content resonates with them the most! Al Chen Al Chen.content Always look for creative ways to repurpose content you already have. So the easier you make it for them to consume your content. the better. This means the way you package things matters. Is there any chance you can take information from your best blog posts and turn them into a book If you have a podcast.

By kh6kv

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