Endris Managing Director of the. German Institute of Marketing and Managing Director of the Taxation Academy, the first class will start right away. Participants were enthusiastic about the idea and the concept receiv a lot of positive feback.  continuing this unique continuing ucation conference. See a day in pictures here: the main hall and one of the lecture halls. professor doctor The managing director of the German Marketing Institute and one of the initiators welcom the participants. ö Keywords: Tazhong ucation, German Marketing Institute, Continuing ucation Conference, Review.

The German Marketing Academy

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Comments on the first ever marketing BVB Directory campaign dicat to ucation providers. ucation in such a beautiful setting. If you look at the pictures, you can tell that the event sold itself 🙂 Everything looks very attractive and invites you to attend.  camp? A social mia champion with jungle camp? Result: Please click to view! I’m a star get me out of here! The ninth season of The New York Times kicks off on Friday. Eleven head to the Australian bush to give their careers or bank balances the boost they ne. Then it will be shown again who can convince the audience that he has what it takes to be crown King or Queen of the Jungle. The German Marketing Institute us the.

By kh6kv

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