Social Mia Online Reach Index to analyze which camp residents had the most followers in social networks before entering the camp.  will show if camp residents not only return to civilization with the money they won, but also with tons of new fans, followers, and likes. Curious what the before and after comparison will bring! What is the Social Mia Online Influence Index? The Social Mia Online Influence Index of the German Marketing Institute measures the usage, respective influence and activity of individual online communication channels of Jungle Camp stars. The role of social networks Celebrities in social networks of fans represent potential callers to the show.

New post-camp social mia rankings

That’s why it’s important to be present on Vietnam Email List social networks before the show. In fact, no celebrity can ignore the communication possibilities of social networks. Additionally, these channels, among other things, offer the opportunity to demonstrate cribility and authenticity, as well as to speak directly to fans. Especially after camp, to keep in touch with your fans and thus advance your career. There is a huge variation in the way celebrities use social mia channels. Only one camp resident uses all social mia channels. The four jungle luminaries live on their mere existence. All candidates still have potential for improvement in terms of their social mia presence.

Country Email List

Social networking is the best mium

While they can all be found through channels, if BVB Directory they also have profiles on , , , and , they can reach a wider audience. The potential of different networks may be underestimat here. : All the stars of the social mia giant appear on particularly active. Since it’s the only channel us by all candidates, it’s clearly consider the most important by celebrities. Patricia Blanco topp the star list with just one like. It will be interesting to see if and by how much the number of likes increases during the show. On the other hand, already has about likes, which is the number of followers many other camp.

By kh6kv

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